ShowCase 系列展覽 – 縱橫13柱

藝術家:Alvin Lau

展期:2024 秋 Autumn

地點:TERRA Coffee House  (澳門龍嵩正街20號富耀大廈)


The Traverse For 13 Pillars 縱橫13柱

截至 2022 年,馬來西亞巴生谷的景觀是由 25 條總長度橫跨超過 100 公里的高速公路所形塑。這個道路網透過建設與擴充持續演變,突顯出該地區動態的城市發展。我的攝影研究以 AI 指令 (prompts) 作為核心方法,運用重複的方式探索並記錄這些高速公路支撐支柱,這個反覆的過程不僅讓我瞭解系統的結構,也讓我利用攝影製作一個屬於這片景觀的紀念碑。高速公路常常將社區分隔開來,阻礙流動並降低社會凝聚力。這些高聳的支柱不僅是基礎建設,也象徵都會擴張與連通性,同時也造成無論直接上又或是與隱喻上的各種障礙。舉例來說,交通擠塞說明了這些對交通極為重要的高速公路結構如何破壞日常生活。透過這個系列的視覺紀錄,我希望引起關於基礎建設對社區影響的對話,同時探討在建設中引起關於進步與保存、便利與社區、成長與仕紳化之間的緊張關係。

Klang Valley’s landscape, as of 2022, is shaped by 25 expressways spanning over 100 kilometres. This network is continually evolving through construction and expansion, highlighting the region’s dynamic urban development. My study utilises AI prompts as a core methodology, employing repetition to explore and document these highway supporting pillars. This iterative process not only aids in understanding the structures but also in monumentalizing them through photography.

Highways often divide communities, hindering movement and reducing social cohesion.These towering pillars, more than mere infrastructure, symbolise urban expansion and connectivity while also creating literal and metaphorical barriers. Traffic congestion illustrates how these structures, vital for transportation, can disrupt daily

life. Through visual documentation, I aim to spark dialogue on the impact of infrastructure on communities, exploring the tensions between progress and preservation, convenience and community, and growth and gentrification.


Alvin Lau

1994 年出生於馬來西亞。他曾在 Sunway 大學短期修讀工商管理,後來退學投身攝影事業。

Alvin 作品主題主要圍繞在生死之間的持續探索。他的作品受到電影製作/敘事短文的影響。曾參與 2015 年 OBSCURA Festival 著名美國攝影師 Maggie Steber 的攝影大師班。他還贏得了吉隆坡攝影獎、2015 年亞洲年度攝影師以及 2017 年 IPA 攝影獎學金。而近來他的作品則在全州國際攝影節、蘭斯克羅納攝影節和 Ilham Gallery 展出。

Borned in 1994 , Malaysia. He briefly studied Business Administration in Sunway University before dropping out to pursue a career in photography.

The main frame within Alvin’s work is a constant exploration amongst and within the idea of life and death. His work derives from the influence of movie making / narrative based short essays.He  has participated in a photography masterclass with celebrated US photographer Maggie Steber at OBSCURA Festival in 2015. He has also won the Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards, Asia Photographer of the Year 2015, as well as the IPA Photography Scholarship 2017. As of recently his work is being showcased at Jeonju International Photo Festival and Landskrona Photo Festival and Ilham Gallery.


SHOWCASE 是一個由澳門年輕創作者發起的活動計劃,旨在推動澳門當代視覺藝術文化風氣並給予年輕創作者平台展示作品。SHOWCASE 原則上以季度為單位進行活動,並以特約形式邀請來自不同地方的視覺藝術創作者,以微型個展的形式進駐澳門各個非傳統藝術展場,讓創作能夠更貼地走入生活。我們同時亦期許能透過創作者與觀眾的分享與討論,使當代視覺藝術文化植根澳門,製造一片能探索各種藝術可能性的土壤。