ShowCase 系列展覽– 走進異境

「很快,也許」“SOON, MAYBE”

藝術家:黎曉欣 Xin Li


展期:2021 冬 Winter

地點:TERRA Coffee House


「很快,也許」(“SOON, MAYBE”) 這個系列作品,靈感來自於人在無聊時所產生的感覺以及我們日常生活突然被事情打斷而需強制擱置的經歷。系列中展示的八張照片,為居住於挪威的作者在新冠肺炎大流行造成的社交封鎖期間所拍攝,作為對單調的日常生活的一種詩意反映與及對其美麗的禮讚。在這段充滿不確定性的日子裡,時間就像同時以一種既慢且快的方式矛盾地同時流動著—一種對恍恍惚惚過日子所感到的坐立不安感,同時在吊兒郎當、無所事事的靜止生活中卻又享受著另一種奇怪的舒適感。作者利用靜物與她朋友作為主題, 強調了我們在疫情期間是如何被迫與家中環境共存。這些圖像觸及了藝術家在此期間所經歷的不同情緒,例如長期被困於室內渡日如年的沉悶,無處可去的但又嘗試在家打扮的興奮與及獨處時令人感到平靜的情緒。


“SOON, MAYBE” is a series of photos inspired by the feeling of boredom and the things that we experience when our normal lives suddenly have been put on hold. The exhibition showcases eight photographs taken during a long social lockdown in Norway caused by the pandemic and is a poetic reflection of the mundane side of everyday life, but also the beauty of it. In these days of uncertainty it feels like time is moving both super slow and at high speed – a total blur of restlessness, being apathetic and the strange comfort of being still.
Using both inanimate objects and her friends as subjects, Li also highlights how we have been forced to coexist with our immediate surroundings at home. The images touch on the different moods the artist has gone through during this time, such as the dullness of being stuck indoors for what feels like forever, the excitement of getting dressed up with nowhere to go and surprisingly, a calming sense of solitude.

黎曉欣 Xin Li

黎曉欣,生於1994,是一位在挪威西岸出生與成長的攝影師。她曾於香港生活和工作,現居挪威奧斯陸。她喜歡拍攝身處於各種環境中的人物造型,無論是個人肖像、時尚故事還是隨便一個晚上隨性的聚會照片均是她拍攝的主題。她視自己為一名跨界藝術創作者,從拍攝各種品牌和音樂人的視覺設計內容到概念性的藝術照片,無所不包。在創作上,她主要使用 35 mm 底片作為創作媒介,並以一種當代美學的方式融合粗獷與優雅的攝影風格。


Xin Li (b.1994) is a photographer born and raised on the west coast of Norway. She has previously lived and worked in Hong Kong, and is currently residing in Oslo. Her main subject is people in different settings, whether it be in the form of personal portraits, fashion stories or a candid shot from last night’s party. She considers herself a multidisciplinary artist, and shoots everything from visual content for brands and musicians to conceptual art photos. Using mainly 35mm film, her style of photography is often a fuse between the polished and gritty mixed with contemporary aesthetics.

SHOWCASE 是一個由澳門年輕創作者發起的活動計劃,旨在推動澳門當代視覺藝術文化風氣並給予年輕創作者平台展示作品。SHOWCASE 原則上以季度為單位進行活動,並以特約形式邀請來自不同地方的視覺藝術創作者,以微型個展的形式進駐澳門各個非傳統藝術展場,讓創作能夠更貼地走入生活。我們同時亦期許能透過創作者與觀眾的分享與討論,使當代視覺藝術文化植根澳門,製造一片能探索各種藝術可能性的土壤。