SHOWCASE - 陳斌華《So PhotoRealistic》

展期:21/10/2019 – 31/01/2020
地點:Terra Coffee House

作品簡介 Introduction








Time Travel: So Photorealistic 

So Photorealistic 

In 17 December 2018, social networking website Tumblr changed its community guideline, banning (adult) contents that “show real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples, including contents that “so photorealistic that it could be mistaken for featuring real-life humans.” As a result, tons of “profile pictures” got manipulated into colorful mosaics since these accounts published forbidden contents. 

On the other hand, with dramatically increasing computing power and progressing artificial intelligence, techniques such as “Deepfake” can generate controversial “photographic” contents that actually never existed in real world. These images also got banned from social networking websites . 

Photography, in this case, has been put into a double negative situation— it should not be fake, but cannot depict real. 

I make screenshots to collect these lossy compressed profile pictures on Tumblr, retouch and modify these “portraits”, as my study of this era. 

Time Travel 

Time Travel is an exhibition practice in which artist Chen Pinhua will gradually dedicate his art works to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring 

rights, to the extent allowed by law. Thus, everyone can copy, modify, distribute and perform those works, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission(CC0 License).

藝術家簡介 Artist introduction

陳斌華 Chen Pinhua

1983 年生,藝術公寓負責人之一,近年在他的攝影專業知識熱忱下,積極從事各項攝影計 畫。作品從壯觀的自然景色、寧靜的鄉間、到晶亮的人造叢林都市,不僅呈現出攝影家行腳的 踏實過程,亦指涉出當代社會中的各種公共議題。近年除了攝影創作外,亦致力推動影像網路 共享,從著作權、藝術市場與機制等種種問題下探討當代影像的存有本質。 

Born in 1983. The founder of Artpartment Studio, who has great passion of photographic knowledge and engages in many photographic projects. His artworks, which from spectacular landscape, tranquil countryside to the busy metropolitans, are not only relate to personal sightseeing, but also reference to public issues of contemporary society. In recent years, he starts to promote the idea of public issue, and discusses the existing essence of contemporary images through the question of the art mechanism, including copyright and the market of art. 


SHOWCASE 是一個由澳門年輕創作者發起的活動計劃,旨在推動澳門當代視覺藝術文化風氣並給予年輕創作者平台展示作品。SHOWCASE 原則上以季度為單位進行活動,並以特約形式邀請來自不同地方的視覺藝術創作者,以微型個展的形式進駐澳門各個非傳統藝術展場,讓創作能夠更貼地走入生活。我們同時亦期許能透過創作者與觀眾的分享與討論,使當代視覺藝術文化植根澳門,製造一片能探索各種藝術可能性的土壤。